The Future of Obsolescence Management community is powered by individuals and organizations that care about the challenges of managing obsolescence in your supply chain. The best way to tackle these growing demands in our market is through collaboration and sharing ideas. This community is intended to be an international thought leadership network sharing experiences, best practices, and ideas to shape a positive Future of Obsolescence Management.
An international network
The Future of Obsolescence Management community connects people with problems to people with answers. It’s an avenue for exposing you to different ways of thinking about common sourcing obstacles, with solutions nuanced by experience, and cultural approaches to problem solving.
Practical solutions
Future of Obsolescence Management community members bring proven, practical solutions that bridge your production expertise and your supply chain management capabilities. No one entity can be expert in everything, but a community can help close gaps in skills, as well as supply chains.
A free resource
The only requirement to joining the Future of Obsolescence Management community is a commitment to improving component sourcing, testing, and certification.
Backed by Arrow
As a subsidiary of Arrow Electronics Inc., we have access to thousands of resources, assets, and intellectual property that can assist your firm. Included are Arrow Global Components, SiliconExpert, Engineering Services, and Digital, a combination offering our customers a robust, seamless, end-to-end customer experience.